GLOSS: Texting Messaging to Support a Healthier You

GLOSS: Texting Messaging to Support a Healthier You

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GLOSS is a research study that takes place completely online and over text message. This study aims to evaluate how well text-messaging can help support individuals in the US who are 50 and older to reduce their alcohol consumption. Participation in this research study is expected to last for a total of 16 weeks (4 months). Throughout this period, participants will be asked to answer questions via text message on a mobile phone and on a computer with internet access.

Participants will be compensated $25 for each completed assessment, up to $100. Participants will also have an opportunity to earn raffle tickets for a $100 gift card to be given out at the end of the study.

Based at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, this project is being conducted with the Partnership to End Addiction. It is sponsored by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the USC Roybal Center for Behavioral Interventions in Aging.

Ideal study participants include those who are over 50 years old who are currently drinking more than they would like and want to cut down or moderate their drinking. If you wish to find out if you are eligible to participate in GLOSS, please click the button below:

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